10.22.06 - Message From Reid
There's been a bit of a delay with the post-production of our record, as is often the case with these type of releases, or so we're told. But still aiming for a release time of early '07. There should be more news on that coming up. The other day I heard from my friend in Los Angeles that the gigantic Tower Records on Sunset Blvd closed down. This happened the same week as the massive Google purchase of You-Tube. Is this a sign of the times? Also last week I learned that the prominent portrait photographer Arnold Newman died earlier this year. What a great man he was and how lucky we are to have his portraits. Supposedly he could be cranky and demanding while working. He was meticulous and controlling, but his subjects (generally people accustomed to being in control themselves) responded to how hard he was working for their benefit. And the results are so nice. For instance the Igor Stravinsky portrait...look at this composition: the mirror image created by having the composer lean the same way the piano lid is propped up, portraying the Stravinsky and his art as one. The backdrop behind Stravinsky is dark gray, giving him his own space and the piano a greater sculptural quality. Its interesting how technology can quickly change art. Technology created a John Singer Sargent-like space for Newman in the later 20th century. You can see more of his work at http://www.pdngallery.com/legends/newman --reid |
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